Pranav Kulkarni

Trailing slash in URLs: Slash or No-slash

Trailing slash is a forward slash at the end of the web page URL.

The convention is URL ending with a slash denotes the URL pointing to a directory otherwise, it points to a file. Not having a trailing tear is preferable mainly due to ease of use.

Web standards has supported this convention as well -

Historically, it's common for URLs with a trailing slash to indicate a directory and those without a trailing slash to denote a file.

Example: (with trailing slash, conventionally a directory) (without trailing slash, conventionally a file)

This could be understood better if we look at it from the application’s perspective based on which file is being rendered.

File Result URL
example.html example.html
example.js example/index.html
example/index.js example/index.html

So it is better to be consistent with slash usage and always configure applications to generate consistent URLs. Also, this consistent usage helps reduce any SEO-related issues - no duplicate content, poor or different user experience for the same URL, etc.