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Python Tips: chr, ord, ascii

chr, ord, and ascii, are built-in functions in the Python programming language. They are used to convert and represent characters and strings, specifically Unicode and ASCII character sets. chr This function returns a string representing a character whose Unicode code...

Python Tips: Getting Data from a Flask Request

To retrieve data received in a Flask request, you can use the following attributes available on the request object: from flask import request request.args: This attribute contains the key/value pairs from the URL query string. You can access them...

awk Programming Basics

Data-driven scripting language for data extraction and reporting. Line-by-line or record-by-record processing of text files. Blocks Working with a single file BEGIN { print(“”runs at the start of all records””) } { print(“”run for...

Git Tips: Create git commit in the past or future!

Introduction Commit smaller chunks of code often, and always commit in the present. git-commit man page: git commit takes author and committer information from the following environment variables if they are set: GIT_AUTHOR_NAME...

On solving engineering problems (rather any problem)

Ask yourself these questions when you are faced with a problem: Is it really a problem? Does the problem need to be solved? Does the problem need to be solved now? Does the problem need to be solved by you/us? Can you/we break the problem into chunks and solve them?...